Virtual Channel specifics
What Manifest Manipulation logic implements for Virtual Channels
In Virtual Channel applications, VOD assets and Live streams are scheduled as slots for insertion in a live stream, instead of the original content. Therefore it relies on the Substitution logic.
If no slot is scheduled
If there is no program scheduled for the defined audience at a particular time, no contextualization takes place and the original manifest is returned with minor changes.
If the source scheduled is not available
If at the time where the manifest manipulation happens the manifest of the program scheduled (VOD or Live) is not available, the process of contextualisation cannot happen. As a result, during the slot, the manifest will still reference media segments from the base live source, even if discontinuities (in HLS) or periods (DASH) will appear iin the manipulated manifestinserted.
If HLS variant streams are incompatible
In HLS, in case base live source and replacement source layers don't match, the behavior will be the same : base live source segments won't be replaced in the manipulated manifest. This behavior is valid at the layer level : replacement will still be performed on compatible layers.
Updated over 1 year ago