Break-level ad replacement
There are a number of parameters that determine how the source stream is manipulated to perform replacement of ad breaks detected by This page goes through various scenarios and illustrates them
In a Live DAI service, broadpeak.iowill attempt to substitute the original ad break with ads retrieved from the ad server, if the following conditions are met:
- An ad break was detected in the live source, whether from SCTE-35 markers (in a Live Ad Replacement scenario), or from an Ad Break Slot (in a Virtual Channel scenario).
- The ad server was called and returned a valid VAST response with one or multiple usable Ads.
- The ad creatives were in a format compatible with the source, or were successfully transcoded and packaged into a compatible format by that the transcoding option was configured correctly).
In an ideal scenario, the ad server will return enough ads so as to fill the whole duration of the ad break:
If any of the ads returned by the ad server is invalid, or has not yet been transcoded, it will not be inserted. In this case, one of the following behaviours will apply
Gap handling
Gap filling
If the ad server returns ads for a total duration inferior to the ad break's (or returns more ads than necessary, but in a way that they cannot be used to perfectly fill the duration of the ad break), and a Gap-filler / Slate has been configured on the service, broadpeak.iowill attempt to fill the remainder of the duration of the ad break (after ads have been inserted) with segments of the gap filler asset or slate.
This behaviour only applies if there is at least 2 seconds of time remaining between the total duration of the replacement ads and the duration of the original ad break.
Insertion of the gap filler is also only possible if the remaining duration is larger or equal to the duration of the first segment of the gap filler.
If you use an image or video slate, transcoded and packaged by, the segments will be 2 seconds. If you use an asset as gap filler, you are in control of the segment duration.
No gap filling
If no gap filler is configured (or if it has not yet been transcoded in the case of an image or video slate), no gap filler will be inserted, and the stream will switch back to the source stream in the middle of the ad break, potentially in the middle of an original ad
Note that if a gap filler has been configured, but the ad server returns an empty VAST response, or none of the ads in the response is usable (either being incompatible or not yet transcoded and package), no ad replacement will be performed, and the gap filler will not been used either.
If you observe that no replacement of ad breaks is done in your service, check the troubleshooting steps in Ad insertion issues
Updated 3 days ago