Gap-filler / Slate
Slate specifications to follow to successfully operate with
By default, gap fillers can only be enabled on Live ad-replacement. It usually makes sense to use them to fill the gap between the total duration of all inserted Ads and the break duration in the event where durations do not match. They tremendously increase the quality of experience by avoiding a switch back to the source stream in the middle of the original ad break.
They can be created directly on from an asset source, or from an image or video hosted externally.
From an Asset source
You can use an Asset Source added previously in the WebApp or APIs as a gap filler.
In this case, the asset should be a pre-packaged stream in an HLS or DASH format compatible with the source stream in the service, according to the rules in Manifest manipulation.
From a file
If you have selected to use the slate feature when defining your DAI (Live Ad Replacement) service and want to use an externally hosted image or video file, will transcode and package it and use it as substitution content for your application.
This requires enabling the Transcoding feature on your service (whether or not you need to transcode single-file ad creatives).
From an image
You can use an image as a content replacement Slate, which will be converted into a video. The file must be a JPEG image, and must have the content type image/jpeg
It should end with one of the following file extensions: .jpeg
The maximum file size supported for an image file is 50 MB.
From a video file
You can also use a video MP4 file, with content type video/mp4
It should have a file extension .mp4
or .MP4
The maximum file size supported for a video file is 500 MB.
From an audio file
For audio-only DAI services, the slate must be an audio-only file, with content-type "audio/mp4"
, "audio/wav"
, "audio/wave"
, "audio/vnd.wave"
, "audio/x-wav"
, "audio/mpeg"
, "audio/mpa"
, "audio/mpa-robust"
, or "audio/ogg"
and extension .m4a
, .wav
, .wave
, .mp3
, .ogg
, .oga
, or .spx
The maximum file size supported for an audio file is 50 MB
Resolution and Aspect ratio
Any resolution is valid, as the image will be scaled appropriately when converted to a video, but for best results it is strongly recommended that:
- the aspect ratio of the image or video match the aspect ratio of the source stream
- the resolution of the image or video match the highest resolution of the source stream
Updated 3 months ago