AWS Cloudfront CDN

How to configure Cloudfront as a CDN to work with

In Using with a CDN we explain the reasons why you need to use a CDN in front of your services in order to deliver your manipulated streams in the most optimal and efficient way.

In this section of the Knowledge Centre, we take a few examples and illustrate how to implement them with the AWS Cloudfront product.


You need to be familiar with how to configure a service first. You'll find other playbooks in the "Getting Started" section of our documentation, as well as in the present "Playbooks" section.


The primary aspect of configuration for the CDN relates to routing. In an ABR stream, there are one or multiple manifests or playlists, and multiple media segments that the player will request in order to render the stream. The player connects to a single CDN, which needs to know where to send those requests. So it needs to be given a set of rules to follow. Those rules will be somewhat dependent on the type of service you are implementing.

There are some common rules that apply to all the types of services, and there are some rules that depend on the type of service, and the configuration of your sources.

The following table provides a summary of the rules that apply to your service type. It then gives you links to the relevant playbooks in other articles that follow

Content ReplacementDynamic Ad InsertionVirtual Channel
Common Rules (source content)yesyesyes
Rules for Alternative Contentyesif using pre-packaged adsyes
Rules for Ad Segmentsnoif using for transcoding of adsif using the Ad Insertion feature and using for transcoding of ads
Rules for HLS subtitlesif using subtitlesif using subtitlesif using subtitles
Rules for Server-Side Ad Trackingnoif using pre-packaged ads and SSATif using the Ad Insertion feature, pre-packaged ads and SSAT
-> PlaybookCR PlaybookDAI PlaybookVC Playbook

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