

Preview a service through a CDN

In the Service Preview page, on the right, under the preview of the output service, you can now set the domain name to a different value than the default so that you can check that the service also works when there is a CDN in front of the platform.

Please see the highlighted field in the below screenshot.



Pause services by API

You can now pause a service temporarily so that you avoid consuming and paying resources when you don't need them.

Please see the state parameter in our API reference for each service type. Possible values are enabled or paused:

This feature will soon be available in our WebApp.

Consumption display

In the dashboard page you can now display your consumption for selected date range and services.

See below a screenshot of the dashboard page showing the consumption.



Source validation API

The API now returns a warning message when the source is encrypted with a DRM.

Although has no issue using such a source, it cannot be displayed in the service preview page.



Ad proxy (VMAP generator)

If your ad server only supports the VAST protocol and not the VMAP protocol, you can now use our internal VMAP generator to perform mid-roll and post-roll VOD ad insertion, in addition to pre-roll.

Opportunity placements can be provided in the streaming request to generate a dynamic VMAP.

Please see our Knowledge Center and our API reference for more details.



Service, source and category lists (WebApp)

You can now sort the following lists in the WebApp:

  • Services by Name, Application or Tag
  • Sources by Name, Type or URL
  • Categories by Name

Next to each column title, you will find two small arrows that allow sorting in ascending or descending order.

See below a screenshot of the service list showing these arrows.



Service configuration (WebApp)

You can now create a new service by duplicating an existing one.

In the service list, in the Actions column, you will now find a More actions button, which will let you either duplicate or delete the service.

See below a screenshot of the More actions menu.



Ad breaks for Virtual Channels

You can now create ad break slots in Virtual Channel services.

This is very similar to live ad replacement for Ad Insertion services, except that ad breaks are explicitly created through slots, rather than through SCTE-35 markers detected in the live source.

You first need to configure Ad Insertion for your Virtal Channel service, by selecting an Ad Server and an optional Gap Filler.

You may select a transcoding profile, which may be used for transcoding the inserted ads and/or the Gap Filler.

Server-Side Ad Tracking (SSAT) is supported and may be enabled, as well as the ad media segments availability check.

You can then create slots of type ad-break, which are identical to content slots, except that they do not need a replacement source.

For more details please check our Knowledge Center, and our API reference for Virtual Channel services and for Virtual Channel slots.



Server-Side Ad Tracking (SSAT)

You can now enable Server-Side Ad Tracking with Ad Insertion services.

This causes to replace ad segment URLs in manifests with specific URLs that redirect the player to the actual segments.

When receives these requests, it knows that the player has accessed the segments, and calls the ad tracking server with the appropriate beacons.

Thanks to this mechanism, the ad tracking server can track ad playback without any specific implementation in the player.

When SSAT is enabled, you can enable an option (Check ad media segment availability) that checks that the ad segment exists before replacing its URL, avoiding a call to the ad tracking beacon for a segment that cannot be actually played.

See below a screenshot of these options in the Ad Insertion configuration page of the WebApp:

Please see the serverSideAdTracking object in our ad-insertion API reference for the corresponding API.

Service configuration (WebApp)

When creating a service, the WebApp now displays possible use cases for each service type.

See below a screenshot of the service creation page:



Service configuration (WebApp)

We have added badges in the drop-down selection menus of the service configuration pages.

Blue badges indicate the source type, tan badges indicate their format.

You can filter the source list by typing their name, type or format.



Ad Server check

When we check the connectivity to an Ad Server, we now include the query parameters in the request.

Also, we now treat http errors (4xx and 5xx) as warnings, so that the source can be created.

These two changes will make it easier to use certain Ad Servers with

Slot management (beta, webapp)

We now display the seconds in the "Start time" and "End time" fields of the Calendar view.