

Change of behavior with slate/gap-filler for Live DAI app

Previous behavior: in the context of live ad replacement, if a slate (gap-filler) was configured within the service, and a VAST (Video Ad Serving Template) response was empty, the entire ad pod was replaced by the slate..

New behavior: instead of replacing the entire ad pod with a slate in the event of an empty VAST, we maintain the original ad pod as intended.



Support manifest URLs with no file extension

Some packagers generate manifest URLs that don't end with .mpd or .m3u8.

We now support this type of URLs.



Support of HEAD on streaming requests

When activating Server Side Ad Tracking, some players cannot detect ad segments' MIME types. Therefore, these players perform HEAD requests to for more information on the ad segments.

We now support HEAD requests on the platform to support this kind of use case.



Management of PDT not synchronized with current time

Some of our customers have Live sources with a PDT (Program-date-time) that is not synchronized with the current time.

We have lifted the requirement to have the origin Manifest (PDT) synchronized with the wall clock. From now on, Manifest PDT can run behind or in front of the wall clock.



Addition of new IPs to whitelist

We continue to extend our infrastructure, which means we ask potentially for our customers to whitelist additional IPs in case of any geo-fencing or whitelisting at the Origin level.

Please check our Platform Access page for the list.



Service tagging

You can now tag services with custom values (a-z, 0-9, - and _) in order to categorize your services (by environment, customer, project..). The configuration happened via API in creation/update of services:

Note: tags replaces former environmentTags property (that has been deprecated).

Or you can use our web app to define tags on services (at the "Input" step):

You can now filter your consumption by tags:



Addition of new IPs to whitelist

We continue to extend our infrastructure, which means we ask potentially for our customers to whitelist additional IPs in case of any geo-fencing or whitelisting at the Origin level.

Please check our Platform Access page for the list.



Enable/disable ad replacement in the past

In your Live Ad Replacement services, you can now select whether you want to activate or de-activate replacement in the past inside the DVR window of your manifests.

You have the choice between no replacement of ad breaks at all, the replacement of the full DVR or just a specific duration in the window .

The configuration happened via API in Live Ad Replacement in creation or update of services:

or on the web app at the source edition step, when you activate the Ad Replacement



Convert source/ad segments to absolute URI

You can now change the default way media segments are referenced in manifests, using relative or absolute URLs or even adding a prefix in the segment’s path location.

More details are specified in a Knowledge Center (you will notice that this has been mostly developed for Dynamic Ad Insertion applications) article.

The configuration happened via API in advanced options in creation or update of services:

or on the web app at the source edition step, when you click on “More options”:



Flexibility in ad insertion

We now provide more flexibility in terms of ad insertions.

Originally, if the ad marker duration was 15 seconds and the ad returned by the ad server was 15.2 seconds, the insertion was not performed. This was creating a loss in monetization that some of our customers were not willing to take.

Starting today, we allow a certain threshold so the ad (or pod of ads) can be inserted when it runs longer than the break duration. The web app and the API allow you to input a threshold value for Ad Insertion services.

For the web app, you will be able to configure that at the Ad Insertion service edition step: