

Server-Side Ad Tracking (SSAT)

You can now enable Server-Side Ad Tracking with Ad Insertion services.

This causes to replace ad segment URLs in manifests with specific URLs that redirect the player to the actual segments.

When receives these requests, it knows that the player has accessed the segments, and calls the ad tracking server with the appropriate beacons.

Thanks to this mechanism, the ad tracking server can track ad playback without any specific implementation in the player.

When SSAT is enabled, you can enable an option (Check ad media segment availability) that checks that the ad segment exists before replacing its URL, avoiding a call to the ad tracking beacon for a segment that cannot be actually played.

See below a screenshot of these options in the Ad Insertion configuration page of the WebApp:

Please see the serverSideAdTracking object in our ad-insertion API reference for the corresponding API.

Service configuration (WebApp)

When creating a service, the WebApp now displays possible use cases for each service type.

See below a screenshot of the service creation page: