

Slot management (beta, webapp)

It is now possible to delete future slots and end current slots with our scheduler.

The "Delete slot" button is present:

  • in the "Actions" column of the List view
  • in the slot edition window of the List and Calendar views.

The "Delete slot" button is replaced by an "End it now" button if the slot is in progress (started but not finished).

Clicking "End it now" changes the duration and endTime so that the slot ends in 10 seconds.

Note: past slots cannot be edited or deleted. The "Delete slot" button is greyed-out in this case.

Check status API

We now return an error when the manifests of a source do not match with the declared type (Live or Asset).

In DASH, Live sources must have a type="dynamic" attribute and Assets must have type="static".

In HLS, Live sources must have EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME tags in their media manifests, while Assets must not.

Therefore, it is no longer possible to create such sources.